Recent Posts

Point bars and counter point bars: Why is sediment deposited on the 'wrong' side of a meander bend?

The simplest definition of point bars is that they are sedimentary deposits forming on the inner, convex bank of river bends. [‘Inner’ and ‘convex’ bank means that, looking toward the river, the bank is curving around you.] Amadeus W. Grabau, an early ‘influencer’ in stratigraphy and sedimentary geology, published a beautiful drawing of how meanders grow, point bars evolve, and oxbow lakes form, more than a hundred years ago:

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Does river migration slow down in high-curvature bends?

The answer, at least for seven rivers of the Amazon Basin, seems to be negative, as we try to demonstrate in a paper that was recently published in Geology. My coauthors are Paul Durkin, at the University of Manitoba, and Jake Covault, at the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin. In this blog post, I try to provide a bit more background to our paper.

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Recent Publications

  • Autogenic translation and counter point bar deposition in meandering rivers
    GSA Bulletin, v. 133
    Z. Sylvester, P. R. Durkin, S. M. Hubbard, D. Mohrig
    Abstract PDF Code Blog post
  • Evaluating the relationship between meander‐bend curvature, sediment supply, and migration rates
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 126, e2020JF006058
    M. Donovan, P. Belmont, Z. Sylvester
    Abstract PDF Website
  • The stratigraphic evolution of a submarine channel: Linking seafloor dynamics to depositional products
    Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 90, p. 673-686
    S. M. Hubbard, Z. R. Jobe, B. W. Romans, J. A. Covault, Z. Sylvester, A. Fildani
    Abstract PDF Website
  • How do basin margins record long-term tectonic and climatic changes?
    Geology, v. 48, p. 893-897
    J. Zhang, Z. Sylvester, J. A. Covault
    Abstract PDF Website
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