Getting started¶
To load the U-Net model:
import segmenteverygrain as seg
from keras.saving import load_model
model = load_model("seg_model.keras", custom_objects={'weighted_crossentropy': seg.weighted_crossentropy})
This assumes that you are using Keras 3 and ‘seg_model.keras’ was saved using Keras 3. Older models created with a segmenteverygrain
version that was based on Keras 2 do not work with with the latest version of the package.
To run the U-Net segmentation on an image and label the grains in the U-Net output:
image_pred = seg.predict_image(image, model, I=256)
labels, coords = seg.label_grains(image, image_pred, dbs_max_dist=20.0)
The input image should not be much larger than ~2000x3000 pixels, in part to avoid long running times; it is supposed to be a numpy array with 3 channels (RGB). Grains should be well defined in the image and not too small (e.g., only a few pixels in size). The U-Net prediction should be QC-d before running the SAM segmentation:
plt.scatter(np.array(coords)[:,0], np.array(coords)[:,1], c='k')
If the U-Net segmentation is of low quality, the base model can be (and should be) finetuned using the steps outlined below.
The Segment Anything model can be downloaded from this link.
Here is an example showing how to run the SAM segmentation on an image, using the outputs from the U-Net model:
from segment_anything import sam_model_registry
sam = sam_model_registry["default"](checkpoint="sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth") # load the SAM model
all_grains, labels, mask_all, grain_data, fig, ax = seg.sam_segmentation(sam, image, image_pred, coords, labels, min_area=400.0, plot_image=True, remove_edge_grains=False, remove_large_objects=False)
The all_grains
list contains shapely polygons of the grains detected in the image. labels
is an image that contains the labels of the grains.
is a pandas dataframe with a number of grain parameters.
If you want to detect grains in large images, you should use the predict_large_image
function, which will split the image into patches and run the Unet and SAM segmentations on each patch:
all_grains = seg.predict_large_image(fname, model, sam, min_area=400.0, patch_size=2000, overlap=200)
Just like before, the all_grains
list contains shapely polygons of the grains detected in the image. The image containing the grain labels can be generated like this:
labels = seg.rasterize_grains(all_grains, large_image)
See the Segment_every_grain.ipynb notebook for an example of how the models can be loaded and used for segmenting an image and QC-ing the result. The notebook goes through the steps of loading the models, running the segmentation, interactively updating the result, and saving the grain data and the mask.
Finetuning the U-Net model¶
The last section of the Segment_every_grain.ipynb notebook shows how to finetune the U-Net model. The first step is to create patches (usually 256x256 pixels in size) from the images and the corresponding masks that you want to use for training.
image_dir, mask_dir = seg.patchify_training_data(input_dir, patch_dir)
The input_dir
should contain the images and masks that you want to use for training. These files should have ‘image’ and ‘mask’ in their filenames, for example, ‘sample1_image.png’ and ‘sample1_mask.png’. An example image can be found here; and the corresponding mask is here.
The mask is an 8-bit image and should contain only three numbers: 0, 1, and 2. 0 is the background, 1 is the grain, and 2 is the grain boundary. Usually the mask is generated using the segmenteverygrain
workflow, that is, by running the U-Net segmentation first, the SAM segmentation second, and then cleaning up the result. That said, when the U-Net ouputs are of low quality, it might be a good idea to generate the masks directly with SAM. Once you have a good mask, you can save it using cv2.imwrite
(see also the example notebook):
cv2.imwrite('sample1_mask.png', mask)
The patch_dir
is the directory where the patches will be saved. A folder named ‘Patches’ will be created in this directory, and the patches will be saved in subfolders named ‘images’ and ‘labels’.
Next, training, validation, and test datasets are created from the patches:
train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = seg.create_train_val_test_data(image_dir, mask_dir, augmentation=True)
Now we are ready to load the existing model weights and to train the model:
model = seg.create_and_train_model(train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, model_file='seg_model.keras', epochs=100)
If you are happy with the finetuned model, you will want to save it:'seg_model_finetuned.keras')
If you want to use this new model to make predictions, you will need to load it with the custom loss function:
model = load_model("seg_model_finetuned.keras", custom_objects={'weighted_crossentropy': seg.weighted_crossentropy})